Product Branding Seminar & Workshop

Imam Nawawi School and Imam Nawawi Boarding School presents ….



Product Branding Seminar & Workshop

One of INIS and INBS flagship programs for junior high school level is Entrepreneurship, where we try to explore and develop students’ talents in entrepreneurship, starting from finding products, marketing, and managing businesses.

Limited for students of INIS and INBS Grade 8 and 9 (male session)

– INBS Students on 28th Jan 2023

– INIS Students on 4th Feb 2023


1. Basic Theory of Branding

2. Basic Theory of Graphic Design

3. Workshop: Branding & Packaging

4. Group Presentation

Speaker: Ganesha Subhi Wardhana, S.Ds. (Graphic Designer of YADIN & Product branding Enthusiast)

Time: 08.00 – 11.30 WIB

Venue: Gedung INIS & INBS Cibinong (Jl. Kp. Pajeleran No. 26, Cibinong, Kab. Bogor)

“Let’s show your own brand”

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